For INCOSE members and CAB associates, if logged in the assessment will be saved in the user’s profile to refer to as needed. For non-members, the detailed competency self-assessment is not available. The estimated time to complete the self-assessment is 15-20 minutes per competency area / proficiency level table, depending on how familiar the user is with the Systems Engineering Competency Assessment Guide (SECAG).
The assessment uses the SECAG with 37 competency areas each with 5 proficiency levels. In these tables, the Effective Indicators of Knowledge and Experience from the ISECF are included. In addition, for each indicator there are sub-indicators for knowledge (K), activity / ability (A), and professional attitude / behavior (P). There are also some examples of the indicators / sub-indicators. For information on how to do a detailed competency self-assessment using the SECAG, please download the "PDP How to Do SECAG" file on this page.
NOTE: There is no save or submit button on the Competency Self-Assessment page. When you select your indicators / sub-indicators and type in your evidence for your competency area / proficiency level, it is automatically saved.