Feb 14, 2022, 13:05 PM
Danielle DeRoche
ASME - Plant Systems Design
Global Standard for System Design Engineers
ASME is looking for additional volunteers to participate in developing this technology neutral standard.
By participating, you can influence the quality and content of the standard, and gain personal and professional rewards, such as:
- Networking with the foremost technical experts in your field.
- Awareness of technical issues, standards and best practices in your industry.
- Broader understanding of other segments of your industry worldwide.
- In some instances, fulfilling the requirements for professional development.
ASME PSD-1 is under development to develop, review and maintain a technology neutral standard for design of plant systems for nuclear, fossil, petrochemical, chemical, and hazardous waste plants and facilities. The standard provides processes and procedures for design organizations to: (a) integrate process hazard analysis in the early stages of design; (b) incorporate and integrate existing systems engineering design processes, practices and tools with traditional architect engineering design processes, practices and tools; and (c) to integrate risk informed probabilistic design methodologies with traditional deterministic design. The focus is to provide requirements and guidance for design processes, methodologies and tools that will provide safer and more efficient system and component designs with quantified safety levels.
The new committee will also foster collaborations within various Sectors of ASME, including the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code committees, Technical Events and Content (TEC) Sector, as well as other technical societies, including the International Council on Systems Engineering.
Intended for plant systems design organizations and engineers for design of plants and facilities with significant hazards to worker and public safety.
Organizations gain benefits when they support employees’ engagement in ASME Standards & Certification activities, such as:
- Organization’s perspective considered in standards development and requirements.
- Enhancement of participating employees’ understanding of relevant standards.
- Access to opportunities for shared participation in research and development.
Meetings - PSD committees convene regular remote meetings with planned face-to-face (F2F) meetings twice a year. The next F2F is May 1-2, 2022 in New Orleans, LA – held in conjunction with ASME Boiler Code Week. Please contact the committee chair to learn about remote meeting schedules.
For further information, contact:
Ralph Hill, Chair PSD Standards Committee
Email: hillr@asme-member.org
Daniel Miro-Quesada, ASME Staff Secretary
Email: MiroQuesadaD@asme.org