Jan 5, 2023, 13:55 PM
Danielle DeRoche
The International Council on Systems Engineering Launches the Future for Systems Engineering (FuSE) Initiative to Deliver the SE Vision 2035
SAN DIEGO (06 January 2023) – The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is pleased to announce the launch of the latest Future for Systems Engineering (FuSE) Initiative to deliver the Systems Engineering Vision 2035. The aim of this initiative is to develop the roadmap that achieves the goals outlined in the
SE Vision 2035.
The goal of this initiative is to Inspire the global community to realize the Vision of Systems Engineering. INCOSE Leadership is focused on driving this forward, starting with the annual INCOSE International Workshop (IW) in 2023 focusing on FuSE; as well as the usual working group activities of planning products, revising charters, updating webpages, etc.
Ralf Hartmann, INCOSE President-Elect says “With the SE Vision 2035 we have given to the world and to ourselves an extraordinary piece of inspiration and ambition for the future. We have raised the bar significantly for the global SE community and for INCOSE as an organization. Therefore, we are now strongly increasing our efforts through the “Future of Systems Engineering” initiative helping us to live up to this expectation. Of course, this is a challenge which needs to be addressed together with strong global partners from all domains. To get these collaborations in place will be the initial challenge to be mastered. I am really happy that we were able to get an outstanding leadership team together to act as key thought leaders for the FuSE initiative.”
The FuSE element of IW will be made up of four streams:
Systems Engineering Vision & Roadmaps Stream; The Systems Engineering Vision and Roadmaps stream continuously refines, evolves, and complements the SE Vision 2035. Furthermore, we create an integrated set of roadmaps across the four FuSE streams. The IW 2023 goal is to frame the structural relationships and value models to support the roadmaps creation.
Systems Engineering Foundations stream; the foundations and identification of gaps to determine future directions. Special consideration will be given to the theoretical foundation of the SE as a discipline on one hand and the practical application foundations using principles and heuristics on the other hand.
Systems Engineering Methodologies stream; The SE Methodology stream guides the advancement of practices, methods, and tools for the effective engineering of systems to be fit for purpose in the presence of varying scale, interrelatedness, complexity, non-determinism, and emerging technology innovations such as AI and agility.
Systems Engineering Application Extensions stream; The SE Application Extensions stream integrates social sciences, soft systems, as well as initiatives such as Smart Cities to address grand challenges to meet human and societal needs as stated in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Mapping the five Systems Engineering Vision 2035 categories to the four FuSE streams:
- Research goes through the Foundations (theoretical branch) and Methodology streams.
- Competencies goes through the Foundations (practical branch)
- Tools and environment go through the Methodology stream for Tools and Application stream for environment
- Practices goes through the Foundations stream
- Applications goes through the Application Extensions stream.
See the International Workshop 2023 schedule and register to attend at www.incose.org/iw2023
INCOSE Media Contact: Honor Lind, Director for Marketing and Communications,
marcom@incose.net, Call INCOSE at 1-858-541-1752 or visit www.incose.org.