Certification Blog

Certification Overview
  • How much time does it take to get certified?

    Mar 19, 2021

    The time needed to get certified depends on time spent both by the applicant and his or her references and by the INCOSE review team. There is much a candidate can do to make it go faster.

  • What if I fail the exam?

    Mar 12, 2021

    Many candidates fail the knowledge exam on their first attempt. What do they do next?

  • What’s the passing score?

    Feb 17, 2021

    INCOSE works with professional psychometricians to develop our test formats, content, and scoring methods.

  • May I take the exam before submitting the application?

    Feb 17, 2021

    INCOSE's Certification Program is working to eliminate barriers to getting certified. This includes setting the timing of fees to best align with organizational expenses.

  • Blog Introduction

    Feb 17, 2021

    INCOSE blog is maintained by the INCOSE Certification Program Office and provides information to augment the main INCOSE website. If you have a topic you’d like to have addressed in the blog, email certification@incose.net and they’ll forward it to the Program Manager.

  • Does it matter if my job title isn’t “Systems Engineer”?

    Jan 26, 2021

    You may have a job title of “Consultant” or “Supreme Chief Engineer.” Does INCOSE care?

images of ASEP, CSEP, and ESEP badges
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